Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hi. Such a terrible thing! To be hones, I had lost my password and i could not get in to my blog. isn't funny? but i finally got it. this is the problem i am dealing always with my new account every time. nowadays, every thing is going to be done on line and for every single thing we should have a user name and password. it's been told also it's better to change a password to keep every thing secure. I should know how to keep lost of password in my mind. anyways, now I'm in and HAPPY. i learned this word from Scott. "is Evey body happy?" it is a nice and I'm glad i have started my university with a ardent teacher and nice classmates, as well. Yesterday also was a first session of our class with the new teacher, Sandy. I'm not sure if she likes us to call her Sandy or Dr.J....(i forgot her family name). it is going well and i like her. she is friendly. but i don't know about professors in university, i.e outside the faculty of education. do you think they are friendly, too. although, i must say that here in Canada, people are generally very kind and I'm glad for that. Thanks god!


maja said...

It took me some time to get my blogspot installed as well, but now it works and it's really cool.
But when it comes to passwords and user-id's... sometimes I think the world is getting too electronic!

闷骚小跑 said...

sometime i just use one password for all my blogs or MyUofC, but many people said it is not saft...i always forget the password if i created a new one...= -;;

Scott Douglas said...

That's great that you think we are all friendly. Generally, Canadians are a pretty friendly lot :-)

Anonymous said...

i know what you are saying about the passwords.... i have a little black book at home where i keep all of my logins and passwords...otherwise i can't get in anywhere....i think about so many things , that i forget about the main ones ...oh oh ..i just remembered that i have to do an essay..shoot...gtg

you are right about canadians they are generally nice...just be carefull when you are dt late at night....those might just be not as noce as the others